Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, September 7, 2009

HePi BesdaY kHalisYa!

khalisya dah setahun dah....

besday khalisya sambut simple je...bulan pose, xleh nak meriah2 sgt..hehehe...

sambut besday khalisya kat umah pengasuh yg dulu...beli kek sebijik pastu pas berbuka baru ler potong kek....simple je....

hadiah plak bagi kat dia masa kat umah...walau simple khalisya nampak sonok sgt menyambut besday ni...hehehe....

semoga khalisya panjang umur,murah rezki n stay cute...mama n ayah sayang khalisya sangat2!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Perubahan TerBaru Khalisya...

masa dia umur 7.5bulan nampak sgt perubahan2 ni:-

Khalisya dah tumbuh gigi!

gigi bawah dia dah tumbuh...hehehe sonok plak!

Khalisya dah merangkak n berdiri!
dia dah merangkak pastu dah pandai berdiri tp berdiri tu kena pegang kerusi atau ape2 sb xleh berdiri sendiri

Dia juga dah pandai sebut mama!
dia dah pandai sebut mama! ayah dah lame dia pandai tp mama baru je...cuma dia cam kompius nak panggil ayah dia ape..kadang2 dia sebut ayah,kadang2 sebut abah,kadang2 sebut dady..hahaha ikut suka Khalisya ler asalkan maksudnya tercapai...nampak dia cam mula nak sebut perkataan2 lain...hehe..syok!

*nati letak gambar dia plak..hehehe

Friday, April 3, 2009

Suka SanGaT berJalan-JalaN

Last Week bawak khalisya bercuti ke Langkawi..suka sgt dia..dia paling suka naik cable car..bawak gi underwater world dia cam buhsan je...huhuhu

1st day (24th March)

kami satu family pkai pink.. hehehe... khalisya suka sgt berjalan.. yg bestnya dia ok je naik ERL n flight.. hehehe

2nd day (25th March)
bawak khalisya gi cable car..suka sgt dia.. pastu jalan-jalan ke Dataran Lang, sampai tertidur2 laa dia..siap tertidur ngn map... hehehe.. pastu siap uk-uk plak... hehehe... balik dari Dataran Lang, gi shopping pastu gi pasar mlm Langkawi sb beso..hehe

3rd Day (26th March)
bawak khalisya jalan2 ke underwater world plak...time ni cam buhsan2 je...alik dari sini terus gi lepak kat pantai cenang pastu terus alik hotel.. mlm bru kua mkn2 n beli sourvenior... ari ke-3 ni khalisya byk menghabiskan masa posing2 atas katil.. hehehe

Last Day (27th March)

sebelum balik...ronda2 dlu kat langkawi, abihkan minyak... hehehe... pastu byk abih masa kat airport saja...huhuhu

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

dah start pkai tudung dah...hehehe...

aritu sajer je pakaikan tudung kat khalisya...gelak je dia...hehehe....

ni masa mula-mula nak pakaikan

ni bila dia dah pkai btoi-btoi...senyum je...

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Dah start pkai CD....hehehe

skrg Khalisya dah start pkai CD (Cloth Diaper)...nampak Khalisya sgt selesa...penyerapan pon bagus...lembut sgt...b4 ni pkai DD (Disposable Diaper) pkai paling best tp CD ni lagi best...hehehe...

Prewash dlu smua CD

Sedia dijemur...jemur lam umah je...hehehe

Khalisya posing bersama CD baru...

ayah pon sibuk same posing...hehehe

senyum malu2...

excited sgt dia pkai CD...siap gelak2...

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Khalisya main air laut...

1st day at Teluk Nipah
masa kat lam feri khalisya siap yg bestnya Khalisya enjoy...

Khalisya nampak suka sgt naik feri
muka Khalisya kebosanan menunggu nama dipanggil utk ke bilik Pangkor Indah Resort
Khalisya pon nak jugak...sian tgk Khalisya pon tertelan air liur...hehehe

Khalisya relax je main air laut..hehehe

2nd Day at Pangkor
kaki tembam khalisya...hehehe

khalisya n ayah berangan agaknyer...hehehe
berdiri lam feri

Thursday, January 29, 2009

photo mania...

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suka tgk gambar2 kat sini...cun!pastu wat utk gambar Khalisya sekali...hehehe

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Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Khalisya dah pandai makan cereal...

suka tgk Khalisya mkn cereal... pandai dia mkn... tp wat masa skrg x ajar dia mkn byk, mkn sket je..tu pon selang 3 ari sekali...

Sunday, January 18, 2009

cereal 4 Khalisya...

smlm Mak Amni bg cereal coz si Amni hate cereal..nampaknye rezki Khalisya...hehehe

yg sonoknyer... Khalisya suka sgt mkn cereal...hehehe

Friday, January 16, 2009

Starting Solid Foods

When should solids be introduced? Between 4 and 6 months, although most commonly closer to 6 months. Up to the first 4 to 6 months of an infant’s life, breast milk or formula will provide all their nutritional requirements for growth. At around 6 months, the iron stores that baby gained in utero begin to run low, which is one of the reasons we start solids around this time.

Don’t be tempted to start too early!

Introducing solids too early can be a burden to an underdeveloped digestive system (most babies’ digestive systems remain inadequate up to about 6 months of age), as well as impairing maternal milk supply. Other concerns include increasing the risk of food allergies and exposure to bugs that may lead to diarrhoea and other gastric problems.

Most parents soon realise how convenient milk feeding is (especially if it is your second time around). The tendency to want to delay introducing solids creeps into the minds of many of us, however…

Don’t wait too long

According to research, your baby will not benefit from having solids before 6 months. However, if you leave the introduction of solids too late, you risk undermining your baby’s nutritional status. Iron and zinc levels, in particular, decrease in breast milk as your baby’s demand increases. Other problems include immune challenges and reduced motor development, for example, the skill of chewing.

So how much will baby eat at first?

  • It generally takes about a month from the time of the first introduced food for babies to work up to taking more than 10 ml a day (just over 2 teaspoons), and a month and half to be able to consume more than 100 ml a day.
  • Babies who were started on solids at a younger age seem to take longer to get to these amounts; hence introducing solids at 6 months appears to shorten the time.

Tips on starting foods

  • Foods should be a fine, runny puree and smooth in consistency.
  • Introduce foods one at a time, and ensure they don’t include salt, sugar or flavourings of any sort. Maintaining baby’s milk source helps to ensure that any reactions can be attributed to the single food.
  • Rotate foods so that you give the same one only once in a 3-5 day period. There’s nothing worse than eating the same thing over and over again. This will also help reduce the risk of food reaction or allergy, and in the unlikely event of a reaction, it may become evident before the end of the day.
  • Once a variety of foods has been introduced successfully, make sure you vary them frequently so that baby gains a balanced diet. Variety at this early stage may also help you get through that fussy stage in the toddler years.
  • Be persistent. Many studies show that it may take up to 10 opportunities to try a new food before baby accepts it.
  • Avocado (mmmm) is a favourite starter because in its fatty acid makeup, it is similar to breast milk. Once you’ve diluted it (watered it down) into a runny paste with breast milk or formula it can be an option that baby will enjoy early on.

This information has been provided by Leanne Cooper from Cadence Health. Leanne is a qualified nutritionist and mother of two very active boys.

mommy...tired laa...

smlm nenek tipon.. nak ckp ngn Khalisya ckp slow je..suara nya makin mendayu2... pastu pandang muka ku... seolah2 dia ckp"mama... Khalisya penat..." sedar2 dia dah tertidur...

pastu dia bangun bila dengar ayahnya main game... bukan main segar mata dia.. tido sejam je... adeih.... bila dia bangun.. susah sket nak wat keje umah... tgk ni...

skrg ni dia suka nak masukkan jari lam mulut.. opsss... bukan jari.. tapi TANGAN! adeih... bila kita tegur dia gelak2... last2 smlm... bedungkan dia.. dia marah2.. hahaha.. padan muka dia.. hehehe

Thursday, January 15, 2009

4 months....

skrg Khalisya dah pandai menirap...siap leh telentang alik...sonok...hehehe

Monday, January 12, 2009

Learning to Crawl..

learning to crawl...i read this article written By Shannon McKelden at :

Along with all the other milestones of infant growth, there is one that puts babies on the move for the first time - crawling. Where once Baby was immobile, content sitting and exploring what was within his reach, suddenly a whole new world opens up: the world of mobility.

The Purpose of Crawling

Crawling is a precursor to walking, of course, but also primarily a way for infants to begin to explore their environment.

"Crawling helps walking because it allows babies to utilize the muscle groups in their arms, trunk, pelvic girdle and lower legs," says Dr. Ari Brown, pediatrician, mother of two and coauthor of Baby 411 (Windsor Peak, 2006). "Practice builds tone, strength and coordination."

Monday, January 5, 2009

Baby Milestones

From the moment that your baby is born they begin to change. Your baby will continually amaze you as they grow and develop new skills. We take you through some of these changes that happen as they grow from newborn to toddler and provide you with some tips on how you can help them along their way.

When do babies really start to smile, when can I expect my baby to start crawling, when will my baby start to toddle around? Read on here for answers to all of these questions.

Just remember that all babies are individuals and will develop at different rates, the information provided here is just a guide. Your baby will develop at the perfect time for them.

Week 1

Your new baby comes into the world with an amazing set of built-in skills, designed to help her to survive.

Week 2 - 4

In the first month, your baby is busy gaining control of his body.

Week 4 - 8

Now you're beginning to settle into a daily routine with your baby, you'll have a bit of time and energy to watch her acquire skills.

Week 8 - 12

It's an exciting time as your baby approaches the three-month mark. He is spending much more time awake, and he's ready to explore.

Month 3 - 6

Between three and six months, your baby becomes very much her own person. In a parent and baby group, you'll notice the babies.

Month 6 - 9

There are two very distinct strands to your six-to-nine month old's personality.

Month 9 - 12

Nine months is a lovely age. Your baby is mature enough to really respond to you and he makes it quite clear who his 'special people' are.

Month 12 - 15

This is one of the most physically demanding stages your child will go through.

Month 15 - 18

Imitation is the best form of flattery at this age! One of the key ways your toddler learns now is by copying you.

Month 18 - Year 2.5

'Challenging' is a word that comes to mind for many parents when describing their two-year-old...

more information at :